Step 1: VMware Tanzu™ Community Edition cluster preparation ¶

VMware Tanzu™ Community Edition consists of a variety of components that enable the bootstrapping and management of Kubernetes clusters.

The main components are:

In this step, the goal is to prepare the installation of the TCE cluster.

Step 1.1: Install Tanzu CLI ¶

Tanzu CLI can be installed on the three major operating systems (Linux, macOS and Windows).

Follow the instructions here to install Tanzu CLI selecting your operating system .

In order to check that Tanzu CLI is properly installed, run this in the command line:

tanzu version

And the output should be similar to this:

version: v0.11.4
buildDate: 2022-05-17
sha: a9b8f3a

Step 1.2: Choose the type of your cluster ¶

As stated at the beginning of this document, Tanzu Community Edition allows to work with two different types of clusters: managed and unmanaged.

To continue the tutorial, you must decide which of the following mutually exclusive options suits your desired outcome:

  • Do you want a single node, local workstation cluster suitable for a development/test environment? If so, continue the tutorial by deploying an unmanaged cluster .


  • Do you want a full-featured, scalable Kubernetes implementation suitable for a development or production environment? If so, continue the tutorial by deploying an managed cluster .

If you want to know more about planning your deployment check out the official TCE documentation .

Tutorial index ¶

  1. TCE cluster deployment preparation
  2. Deploying a managed cluster or Deploy an unmanaged cluster
  3. Preparing the Kubeapps deployment
  4. Deploying Kubeapps
  5. Further documentation for managing applications in Kubeapps